Friday, January 02, 2009

Thoughts for to - day

To-day I read about Time traveler’s wife in a blog. I was impresssed by the post and I decided to read the book later. I added it to my google book list.

Yester day (01/01/09) I posted a poem in my

I feel very lonely in my literary pursuit. I have no friend with whom I can discuss my readings. Unfornutely my friends have no literary taste. I have one friend to whom I can discuss about old hindi songs.That is my only consolation.I am in an intelectual isolation. Some times I felt why I have developed such tastes? Why I was not ordinary person with ordinary tastes? Booklovers reside in a different world talking to themselves and chewing books they read and about to read.

Blog is my only companion where I can share my thoughts.

I already finished Namesake. Yet to write a post on it. I have taken two books for reading- Cakes and Ale by Somerset Maugham & Pattern Recognition by William Gibson. The Pattern Recognition is a challenge to read. I don’t think I will finish.

To day morning I twittted a message enquiring any interested reader in chennai. It is my desire to start a reading club in chennai.


Sarah said...

I can sympathize about not having friends who are readers, which is why I find book blogging so enjoyable. C. S Lewis said "We read to know we are not alone" and I think that's true.

I'll be interested to hear about The Namesake, as I really enjoyed both of Lahiri's short story collections and have her novel in my to be read pile.

I've also been meaning to read some Maugham since I saw The Painted Veil.

I hope you have A Happy New Year and good luck in setting up a local book club.

asimov said...

Thanks for your comment. YOU know i am in U.S. i spent the new year with my grand son and daughter. i'll soon write the post on Nammesake.