Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Challanges for 2009

My Reading challenges for 2009.

I never attempted any challenges for every New Year. This year I set a reasonable reading goal for me. These challenges can be met only if I am able to locate it in my library and that to in a reasonable time.

In year 2008 I read about 22 books. I have also read some story collection by Somerset Maugham, Anton Chekov and Flannery O’Conner. I discarded many books after gone through few pages as I did n’t have the appetite to finish.

Sweet Dreams, Michael Frayn recoomended by The Neglected book blog
Netherland by Joseph O’Neil
Nothing to be frightened of -Julian Barnes
A short history of nearly everything –Bill Bryson
How to read a book-Mortimer J Adler
The Stranger-Albert Camus
Farenhit 451 -Ray Bradbury-
Outliers- Malcom Gladwell
Jhumba Lahiri-Interpreter of maladies
The White Tiger- Aravind Adiga
The Reader- Bernhard Schlink
To Kill a Mocking Bird-Harper Lee
The Selfish Gene- Richard Dawkins

I have some books in my bookshelf unread. I hope to finish this year.

Herzog- Saul Bellow
The Golden Note Book- Doris Lessing
The Metamorphosis- Kafka
Emma-Jane Austin

Besides this I wish to read some Raymond Chandler, Katherine Mansifield, Virgenia Woolf. Anton Chekov etc.

I am also planning to re-read Colin Wilson’s The Outsider which I bought recently along with Jack Kerouc On the Road. My son has bought a bound volume of The Crime and Punishment which is also in the list for re-reading.

It is also in my wish to collect Somerset Maugham books from second shops in my Chennai.( my love affair with Maugham would never end.)

I hope to finish at least two books per month. Considering my age, a tall order.
Wish me luck. I need it.


Sarah said...

Good luck achieving your goal of two books a month.

Of the books you've listed, Emma, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Interpreter of Maladies are all favourites of mine. Many more are in my TBR pile.

I haven't read any Maugham yet, by the sounds of it I should. I love scouring second-hand bookshops for my favourites too.

asimov said...

Thanks Sarah,
i can always count on your support.