Thursday, December 07, 2006

Books for november

Books for November

I read three books during november- The End of Faith by Sam Harris, Running away from Safety by Richerd Bach and Don Brown's The Davinci Code. Of these Sam Harris's End of Faith is an interesting book.

After 9/11 disaster westerners have turned their attention more and more towards the cause of such diabolical behaviour. The suicide bombers with such tenacity with out any care about their lives caused such catrosopic death of innocent civilians and others in the name of religion. THe knoweledge of why it happened rather than how it happened is more useful in preventing such disasters in future. Sam Harris turned his thoughts on religion. He has rightly pointed out that almost all our problems in our world have their roots in religion. We have too many gods and too many Scriptures. Most of the people that read the sciptures believe that these were the works of Creator itself. Unfornutely those who read a particular holy book believe that those who don't read their books are not true believer of god. He has rightly observed, " Criticising a person's faith is currently taboo in every corner of our culture. On this subject, liberals and conservatives have reached a rare consenses; religious beliefs are simply beyond the scope of rational discourse. Criticising a person's ideas about god and the afterlife is thought to be impolite in a way that criticising his ideas about physics or history is not."

Freedom of belief is a myth. Scientific truths are immensly fought over the validity of its statment. Religious ideas are never put into debate. An enquiry in to true meaning of religion, be it christanity, judaism, islam, hinduism or buddihism is the need of the hour.

It is high time that we recognize our " an enemy so near to us and so deceptive, that we keep its council even as it threatened to destroy the very possiblity of human happiness. Our enemy is nothing other than faith itself." says Sam Harris.

He correctly pointed that Mysticism and religion are different. Those who tries to evalute the true meaning of consciousness is also spiritual. Spiritual experience is different from the religious experience . If one tried to look inward and interospect himself moral values would be known to him. One need not be religious. It is enough if one is spiritual to lead a moral and just life.

He ends the book as " No personal god need be worshipped for us to live in awe at the beauty and immensity of creation. No tribal fictions need be rehearsed for us to realize, one fine day, that we do, infact love our neighbour, that our happiness is inextricable from their own, and that our interdependence demands that people every where be given the oppurnuity to flourish. The days of our religious identites are clearly numbered would soon to depend, rather too much on how soon we ralize this". Human civilization, rather future of our cosmos, depend on this.

According to one critic, every one should read this; they don't. But they must.

" Sam Harris' elegent little book is most refreshing and a wonderful source of ammunition for those who, like me, hold to no religious doctorine. Yet I have some sympathy also with those who might be worried by his uncompromising stance. Read it and form your view, but do not ignore its message."

Sir Roger Penrose- emeritus professor of mathamatics at oxford.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Before the fall out

Reading historical science books has its own charm. Issac Asimov and Arthur Clarke, though they are scientists themselves, are master story tellers. Their books are highly enjoyable to read by lay men. Some years ago I read Jacob Bronowski's Ascent of man. I consider it as a master piece. In fact he has conducted a guided tour from the earliest invention of wheels to modern scientific discoveries. He has described in detail how Charles Darwin and Arthur Wallace have independently developed an evolution theory that unravel the mystery of birth of mankind in different stages and how Charles Darwin forged ahead at the winning post leaving Arthur Wallace stranded way behind. Our hearts went with unfornute Arthur Wallace. The trial of Gailieo by vatican church is also described in detail by him.
Diana Preston starts with the discovery of radium by Marie Curie. The bomb that exploded in Hiroshima started its journey from Paris. A native of Warsw came to Paris to pursue highier studies in physics and went to win two noble prizes. Newly discovered Bacqurel rays interested her and she decided to do further research on the rays. She was allowed to do her research in School of phycis Lab in Paris. She made her discovery in that lab.The author describes in detail the early struggle by Marie Curie. Then came the revolutionary discovery-structure of atom made by Ruther Ford and Frederic Soddy at Cavendish Labratory. Ruther Ford has shown that atoms can be smashed by radio active paricles.Next important discovery is discovery of the existance of neutron by Chadwick. An american scientist Earnest Lawrence has constructed the first Cyclotron at Berkly in U.S.A.
Diana Preston described the development of atomic physics in various labs- Cavendish lab at England, Heisenburg in Kaiser wilhelm institutes in Germany and Neihl Bohr in Copenhegn till the on set of first world war. When Hitler came to rule Germany he started persecuting the jews. Diana Perston then proceeed to describe the perscution and purge adopted by Nazis in Germany and occupied countries. The pathetic flight of Lisa Meitner, Neil Bohr, Leo slizard a hungerian jew, Enrico Fermi of Italy is depicted in the most gripping manner by the author.

As the war advanced to a crucial stage both Germany and Brition could not further their Atomic research owing to relentless bombing among them. Great Briton pressed America to develop the atomic research and lent their scientsts for the project. Once America was convinced of the feasability of atomic research into weapons, the project was accelerated. The project was named as manhatan project. Colonel Leslie Groves was made as head of the project. Brilliant American scientist Robert Oppenheir, again a jew, was apponted as its Director. Then the author describes in detail how the emigrant scientists, mostly jews, built the SUPER BOMB.

The moral aspects of the Atomic bomb and its effects were also affected the scientists. Leo slizard, Neil Bohr, Robert Oppenheimr have felt great dilema in helping to build the atomic bomb. In fact Leo slizard have devoted his energy and time in convincing the world leaders for limiting the weapons among the nations after the war. The author has devoted an entire chapter at the end asking 'if' what would have happened had the scientists involved in the Atomic bomb prematurely dead before the bomb and similiar other questions. This is one book you should not miss of you are interested in history of Atomic bomb.
" History, even the history of science, is inherently about people how they thought, what they did with their thoughts and how they interactd with the individuals immediately around them, and then with society and then with greater world order."

Friday, September 29, 2006

A New Earth

I came upon an interesting book "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. After Colin Wilson's The Outsider, this book amazed me. It is thought provoking. The author has introduced the readers to the evolution of ego.

Ego is congolomeration of recurring thought forms and mental emotional patterns that are invested with a sense of I, a sense of self. It is an accumalation of conditioned thoughts.

"I think therefore I am". Said Rene'Descartes 17th centuary philospher. Hence he must be the first that discovered ego. But the philospher did not know then.It is Jean Paul Sarte who looked in to Descarte's statement 'I think" very deeply and realized the true meaning. The consciousness that says "I am" is not the consciousness that thinks. It is a different dimensions of consciousness. It is the awareness that says "I am". If there was nothing but thoughts in you, you would not even know you are thinking.

The author discusses the many forms of the ego. The various roles that ego play- Proud superior being with enormous ego or that of self piting people with inferiority complex and so on. The collective ego of a race, nation, and religion and egos of the conquered people and that of defeated people cause havoc on a nation. These collective egos are responsible for genocide and massacre like world witnessed in Germany as holocaust and Mylai massacre( committed by defeated u.s. army) and as recently in Gujrat.

He tells us how ego manipulates one self. Ego always need to feel superior. You are about to tell someone the news of what happened, "Guess what? you don't know yet? Let me tell you?" If you are alert enough, present enough you may be able to detect a momentry satisfaction with in your self just before imparting the news, even if it is the bad news. It is due to the fact that for a brief moment ther is, in the eyes of the ego, an imbalance in your favour between you and the other person. For a brief moment you knoe more than the other. The satisfaction that you feel is of the ego and it is derived from feeling a strong sense self relative to other person. Even if he or she is the president or the pope, you feel superior that moment because you more.

The author speaks about how old pains and grievences help ego to act as pain body.Our body has its own intelligence. That intelligence reacts to our mind and its thoughts. Emotion is the body's reaction to your thoughts. Various cores of action like conversion of oxyzen and food into energy, the heart beat, circulation of blood and thousands of similiar function are coordinated perfectly by body's intelligence. The intelligence also react to certain conditions like anger, fear,pleasure and so on. The author calls this as instinctive responses also known as emotions.These emotion also arise as a response to thoughts. Sometimes the mind can thought of an event which may be sad or anger or unpleasent. Our body reacts to that emotion which may not be actual. He calls this pain body.

The author also tells us how to free from one self from ego and pain body. We need to awaken. Awakening is awareness. Awareness is being in the present. Presence is the key to all our happiness. This book is worth not only for reading but also for practising. It is a transformational book.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Beauty, Beauty where are you?
I asked when I was five,
Bubbly, Bubbly! Beauty is you
Said my mother on her drive.

Beauty, Beauty where are you?
I asked when I was ten,
Beauty, Beauty Games for you
When you play you see heaven.

Beauty, Beauty where are you?
I asked when I was sixteen,
Beauty, Beauty Flowers for you
Flowers and music make your teen.

Beauty, Beauty where are you?
I asked when I was twenty,
Beauty, Beauty lies in Luv
Go for it before you are forty.

Beauty, Beauty where are you?
I asked when I was forty,
Beauty, Beauty Family grew
All your children make life hearty.

Beauty, Beauty where are you?
I asked when I was sixty,
God and Nature p’heps wait to
End your life’s long treaty.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Poem

To day morning suddenly I came upon an idea about a poem. Here it is.

Beauty lies in the heart
Not easily to be bought
Make a journey in to the heart
No pain no thought
Smiles only it brought
That’s the way it may last.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Narmada Bachao Andolan

Narmada Bachao Andolan [Save Narmada Movement] is a people’s movement that mobilized, adivasis farmers tribal farmers against the Sardor Sarover Dam being built across the Narmada River. The Dam when built would cause immense ecological damage through the inundations of forests, including prime habitats of rare species. The proponents of the Dam claim that this plan would provide larger amounts of water and electricity, which are desperately required for development. The opponents of the Dam question the basic assumptions of the Narmada valley Dev. Plan and believe the planning is unjust and iniquitous and the cost benefits analysis is grossly inflated in favor of building the Dams. It is well established that the plans rest on untrue and unsound assumptions of hydrology and seism city of the area and the construction is causing large scale abuse of human rights and the displacements of many poor and underprivileged communities. There is not remotest prospect that the displaced people the ‘out sees’ will be adequately settled not that the ecological damage compensated for. There are also real doubts borne out by the experience of larger Dams else where in India that the Dams yield main projected benefits of Hydro power Irrigation and drinking water.

NBA started as people’s movement against this development in the mid 1980’s; it has greatly succeeded in generating a heated debate across the sub. Continent between the pro’s and against the Dam construction. Medha Patkar has associated herself with the NBA along with Baba Amte another activist. Medha Patkar is a graduate in Social science. She moved to live among the tribes of the Narmada valley in the 1980’s and alerted them to the fate, which awaited them when the Dam got constructed. NBA vigorously campaigned for the rehabilitation and resettlement for the Dam ‘oustees’

Two newspapers ‘Hindu’ and ‘New Indian Express’ have taken two different views on the Narmada issue. While Hindu sided with NBA, Express took the side of Dam promoters. Eco disaster did not prevent these people to drop the height of the Dam. Even if we accept the development of the four states is the only criterion we must at least accept that the Dam oustees rehabilitation and resettlement should have taken care of. What Meda patkar now insist that the families of the oustees should have been compensated fully before the construction of the Dam. Is not fair that Narendre Modi and his cohorts should try to understand the justice behind the oustees demand. Is it because they are tribals and Adivasis?

Amir khan the super star who, produced such a thought provoking film Rang De Basanti have lent his weight to NBA. He has understood the problems of Adivasis and Tribals. But BJP and Congress parties in Gujarat have agitated against Amir khan and indulged in vandalism in Theatres in which Amir’s films were screened. These two parties are at each other’s throat in political battle for share in spoils of pie. But they joined hands to oppose Amir’s support for NBA. Perhaps vote bank politics prevented them to side with the poor and have-nots. Amir has rightly said in his interview with ND T.V.
“The political parties in Gujrat are trying to protest me. I want the nation to watch this footage very carefully. This is the way they speak.”

He has further said

“I have seen water problem that the people of Kutch faced and I am extremely sympathetic to the cause. I want water to reach all these four states and the people who need this water.”

He only wants the people who are displaced should be compensated for. What a bold line he has taken? There is a difference between the super stars of North and the super stars of South. Super stars of South are greedy and power hungry and they act in front as well as behind the camera. The super stars of North are socially aware and they act only in front of the camera not behind. Be it Sunil dutt Dilip kumar or Shobna Azmi or Vivek Oberoi.

Instead of appreciating of Medha Patkar and Amir Khan some people are critising their stand and protest. What Arundhati Roy has said is correct. Here is what she said :

“… The poor of the country are already deciding why they are taking of arms all over Chattisgarh, Orissia,Jharkahand.”

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I came across an article to day (06.04.06) in the Hindu Metro Plus on Asimov by one Mala Kumar. Reading science fiction is an intellectual exercise. Before drawn to SF I was reading Arthur Hailey and Irving Wallace and of course the classics. During early 80’s I had two personal tragedies. Within spate of one year I lost my father and my best friend. During that period I was depressed and terribly upset unable to cope with my miseries. At that time one of my friend Saravanan introduced me to Easwari Lending Library enticing me to drown my tragedies amidst books. I had access to enumerable books on every author I chose. I owe a lot to my friend
My appetite for books was some what satiated by Easwari Lending Library. Around the same time another friend Nagabushanam introduced me to Isaac Asimov and J.K’s Lectures. These two friends have shaped my Self to what I am to day. My political views, social views, Cosmic and spiritual knowledge expanded through Easwari Lending Library.

Coming to Issac Asimov, I was thrilled by his books-Foundation series, Short stories etc. I was fascinated by his description of alien landscape, Gadgets, Space travel, Time Travel what he calls Time Warping and what not? When I read his Robot series- that is ultimate. The story I Robot is one of the best SF story I ever I read. It is both philosophical and scary. It also tells us about the horror of take over by Machines. I have read I Robot many a times. The fact of being a chemistry graduate helped me to understand SF better, with out getting over awed by the scientific knowledge these books put forth. From science fiction I have graduated to non- fiction. Even Issac Asimov books on non-fiction are simply superb. He has written about many discoveries and inventions in his own style that attracts the attention of every reader. My knowledge about cosmos, Big bang Theory, Black Hole, Red star, Neutron star, Tyco Brahe Herschel- every thing about Astronomy is because of him. He used to give inspiring titles to his articles. One such title is: Tiger Tiger Burning Bright, a line from William Blake’s line.

From Asimov I switched over to Arthur Clarke and other SF writers. Arthur Clarke is another who engrossed my attention. His 2001 Space Odyssy, Rendezvous with Rama, Child Hood’s End, The Sential are masterpieces. Sir Fred Hoyle , the physicist and astronomer is another writer who stirred my attention. His novel The Black Cloud is one of the best.

Issac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics:

A Robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

A Robot must obey the orders given to it by human being except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A Robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Great Divide

Globalaisation has not made the lives of the have nots any thing better.The difference between the rich and the poor got still wider.An interesting article has appeared in the The new Indian Express supplement SCHOOL MAGAZINE to day(april 5 th). The author Subha Venkatesen said in her article that the people who have not enough to eat or having any place to live consist of 21 percent of the world population. This is fairly a large number. According to her the poor face challanges like living in places that are hard to reach(geography),bad climate,natural hazards,lack of education and poor health. In contrast societies with good harbours, favourable climate, adequate energy and good contacts with the rest of the world have always escaped extreme poverty.
There are other reasons that to add to the plight of the poor like explotiation ,social and cultural discriminisation. The world to day came to gather to help the society by setting goals called millennium development goals. Based on research, they decided to
give aid for enough food
give access to clean water and basic sanitation.
boost agriculture with fertilizers, improved seeeds and irrigation
give health care to everyone
invest in education
provide power to the backward regions.
How can we do this? How much is the cost of all this? The total requirement works out to $160 billions. Is it possible? It only involves 0.5 percent of the combined GNB (gross national product) of the affulent donar nations. This is a mere drop in the ocean.
According to her the world at last realised that unless there is prosperty there can not be peace .

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The diaries of a Vietnamese Surgon

Again another news item caught my eyes recently. It appeared on April 3rd. No one would have forgotten Vietnam War. My younger days topic was the bravery of Viet gong army exploitation in battlefield against U.S.Army. The news item is about a brave women military doctor who looked after the wounded and comforted Viet gong soldiers against all the odds. She kept a diary filling her thoughts on suffering and love, the petty politics the communist party indulged in and her hatred for Americans. Her name was Dang Thuy Tram. She covered 36 months of the period. Tram also wrote about the hardships of dismantling and rebuilding of her hospital during wartime. There are frightening accounts of hiding in foxholes, chest deep in cold water or nearly suffocating in underground bunkers. She described Richard Nixon and U.S. Soldiers as “demons, devils. Dogs, pirates and poisonous snakes.”

U.S.troops earmarked her for capture or elimination. She died while giving protection to retreat of wounded soldiers. She laid down her life instead of surrendering to enemy forces. T he U.S. troops found the diaries after the capture of abandoned hospital. The diaries were not burned then as she was a war hero by the time. The people will also read her diaries as they did for another war victim Anne Frank.

Unfornutely Tram also had difficulties with communist party. In her own words “The saddest part of the hardship is that I still have not found fairness.”Oh1 that is politics.

The diaries of a Vietnamese Surgon

Again another news item caught my eyes recently. It appeared on April 3rd. No one would have forgotten Vietnam War. My younger days topic was the bravery of Viet gong army exploitation in battlefield against U.S.Army. The news item is about a brave women military doctor who looked after the wounded and comforted Viet gong soldiers against all the odds. She kept a diary filling her thoughts on suffering and love, the petty politics the communist party indulged in and her hatred for Americans. Her name was Dang Thuy Tram. She covered 36 months of the period. Tram also wrote about the hardships of dismantling and rebuilding of her hospital during wartime. There are frightening accounts of hiding in foxholes, chest deep in cold water or nearly suffocating in underground bunkers. She described Richard Nixon and U.S. Soldiers as “demons, devils. Dogs, pirates and poisonous snakes.”

U.S.troops earmarked her for capture or elimination. She died while giving protection to retreat of wounded soldiers. She laid down her life instead of surrendering to enemy forces. T he U.S. troops found the diaries after the capture of abandoned hospital. The diaries were not burned then as she was a war hero by the time. The people will also read her diaries as they did for another war victim Anne Frank.

Unfornutely Tram also had difficulties with communist party. In her own words “The saddest part of the hardship is that I still have not found fairness.”Oh1 that is politics.

Monday, March 20, 2006


sorry folks. I could not log on as I was pre occupied.Recently I read an aricle in Hindu Metro Plus(15.03.06)titled Rudeworld.After retirement I took up a job as consultant in an education institution.At the vey firstday in my office I had to encounter a rude person. Unfornutely I have to coordinate with him in preparing files for my boss. At first I coud not fathom the reason for his rudeness.After all I am highier in the hierarchy.But then only I came to understand the reason.He feels threatened on my arrival. I am having a very difficult time with him. In the Article the author discusses various reasons for rude behaviour. The times we are living is also the part of the blame.Traffic snarl, deadline committal, pressure of work also contribute.

One of the people interviewed by the author says: "Rudeness is not a nature, but a requirement.It saves time. It is sometimes a safe form of self-defence without getting violent" But rude to a colleague is unfair.Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strengteh as observed by Eric Hoffer, rhe American writer.

Sayings to ponder:

As societies grew decadent, the language grows decadent too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate.
- Gore Vidal.

It is the niceties that make the difference, fate gives us the hand and we play the cards.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
German philospher.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Book I Read

To-Day I would like to discuss upon a book that I am reading at present. It is an intersesting and also a disturbing book. I have so far read four chapters. I read books irrespective of its author or its title. Sometimes I chose by its author name or by its celebreity status(i.e. being stood as best seller). I chanced upon 'The Outsider' accidently while browsing the internet. I read an article about the book "The Outsider". In that article the author said about how he was greatly disturbed by the book.After reading the book he left his family in Austeralia and went on soul searching wandering the world. He has finally returned to his family after spending some years and continued his life from where he left. He has said that he has read that book several times since then. It gave him new directions and peace of mind whenever he sought from it. But I would not do it at my age( I mean I would not run away from life). Anyway I was once an outsider which caused me my acadamic aspirations. I always felt I have underachieved inspite of my intelegience and background. In the book Colin Wilson discusses about problems of outsider in Literature.

In the first chapter C.W. discusses about Henri Barbuse's novel L' E lfer whose hero lives the life of man who sees other lives through the peep hole of his room. C.W. states about outsider: All men and women have their dangerous, unnamable, impulses, yet they keep pretence, to themselves, to others; their respectability, their philosphy, their religion, are all attempts to gloss over, to make look civilized and rational something that is savage, un0rganized, irrational. He is an outsider because he stands for the Truth.

C.W. says Shakespeare, Dante, Keats were all apparently norml and socially well adjusted. But D.H.Lawerance, James Joyce Sarte and Alfred Comus are all outsiders. He observes that Good Health and strong nerve can make an outsider unlikely because the men in Good health is thinking about other things and does not look in the directions where uncertainity lies. And once man has seen it the world can never be the same straight forward place.
I will discuss about other chapters shortly.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Item in Indian Express


Yesterday there was an item in a newspaper that caught my eyes. It is about acquittal of all the convicts of JESSICA LAL. Jessica lal was a barmaid who was shot dead at point blanc range for her refusal to serve drinks after her duty time by the son of a minister and his friends. There were eye witnesses. Yet conviction could not be awarded because of inadequqte presentation of prosecution case. The eye witneses have turned hostile. Former JUSTICE V.N.KHARE COMMENTING upon the case has observed in Indian Express that "In 1967 the conviction rate was 80 percent. In 2005 the same conviction rate dipped to 22 percent, and most successful cases concerned petty crimes. Obeviousely those petty offences are committed by the poor who are not in a position to engage an expensive Lawyer. The big fish, on the other hand, can tear their way out of the net of Law." Where we are heading? Who is going to put up a stop to this? What would become of our country in future? As rightly pointed out in the Editorial of Indian Express crime does really pay in our beloved country- Birth place of Mahatma Gandhi and Buddha. Lots of angry letters have been sent to editors of New papers. One letter said that the Penal Code should be so amended that accused if proved to be wealthy and political should be discharged without trial. This will save a lot wasteful expenditure of taxpayer's money. Some thought.

First Day

To-Day is my first day as a blogger(23/02/06)

I want to share a poem with my readers. This poem was introduced to me by My father when i was a college student.That was forty years ago. I t was written by Edgar Lee Masters. Even now it impresses me . Common, read it.


I have known the silence of the stars and of the sea,
And the silence of the city when it pauses,
And the silence of the man and maid,
And the silence for which music alone finds the word,
And the silence of the woods before the winds of spring begin,
And the silence of the sick.
When their eyes roam the room
And I ask: For the depths
Of what use is language?
A beast of the field moans a few times,
When death takes its young.
And we are voiceless in the presence of realities-
We cannot speak.

A curious boy asks an old soldier
Sitting in front of the grocery store,
“How did you loose your leg?”
And the old soldier is struck with silence,
On his mind flies away
Because he cannot concentrate it on Gettysburg.
It comes back jocosely and he says” A bear bit off.”
And the boy wonders. While the old soldier
Dumbly, feebly lives over
The flashes of guns, the thunder of cannon,
The shrieks of the slain,
And himself lying on the ground
And the hospital surgeons, the knives
And the long days in bed.
But if he could describe it all
He would be an artist
But if he were an artist there would be deeper wounds
Which he could not describe.

There is the silence of a great hatred,
And the silence of a great love,
And the silence of deep peace of mind,
And the silence of an embittered friendship
There is the silence of a spiritual crisis.
Through which your soul exquisitely tortured,
Comes with visions not to be uttered
Into a realm of higher life.
And the silence of the gods who understand each other without speech,
There is the silence of defeat,
There is the silence of those unjustly punished
And the silence of the dying whose hand
Suddenly grips yours.
There is the silence between father and son,
When the father can not explain his life,
Even though he be misunderstood for it.
There is the silence that comes between husband and wife.
There is the silence of those who have failed;
And the vast silence that covers
Broken nations and vanquished leaders.
There is the silence of Lincoln,
Thinking of the poverty of his youth.
And the silence of Napoleon
After Waterloo.
And the silence of Jeanne d'Arc
Saying amid the flames, "Blessed Jesus"—
Revealing in two words all sorrow, all hope.
And there is the silence of age,
Too full of wisdom for the tongue to utter it
In words intelligible to those who have not lived
The great range of life.
And there is the silence of the dead
If we who are in life cannot speak
Of profound experiences,
Why do you marvel that the dead
Do not tell you of death?
Their silence shall be interpreted
As we approach them.

When ever I read the poem I was deeply moved .You can read and read and mullover it
The lines that I like it most:
"Thre is the silence between father and son,
When the father can not explain his life,
Eventhough he be misundersyood for it.